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Disturbance Prone Channels
Step Wise Guide
ยท Which channel segments in my watershed are most prone to disturbances (floods, sedimentation, landslide impacts)?
The sensitivity of channel segments to disturbances that cause significant changes to morphology is controlled by the location of the segment with respect to locations of disturbance process (toe of landslides), wide floodplains, at mouths of canyons and immediately downstream of high sediment producing tributaries, and the by channel type itself (lower gradient channels are generally more prone to flooding and sediment related disturbances compared to higher gradient channels).
Step 1:Go to NetMap Aquatic Habitat Module >Channel Disturbance Index. Follow the instructions provided in this tool, and create your own custom index of channel disturbance. Choose attributes (and provide preference curve values, e.g., weighting values from 0 to 1) such as transitions in floodplain width, 2) floodplain width, 3) tributary confluences, debris flow junctions, sedimentation zones, and high sediment supply (GEP) channel segments.