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Stream Monitoring
Step Wise Guide
ยท What types of information can help with my in-stream monitoring program?
Monitoring of instream attributes (sediment, large wood, pools, fish habitat, temperature etc.) is sensitive to the locations in the stream network. For example, to observe differences in sediment size (or fines) due to some type of land use (urbanization, forestry, road construction, post wildfire) depends on the location of the segment to be monitoried with respect to the driving hillslope variables (erosion potential on a hillside or road density for example) and the nature of the channel (steep vs low gradient etc.). Various NetMap attributes can be used to identify similar or different areas in a watershed. For example, an analyst can create maps of channel gradient, channel width, depth, flow, substrate size, wood accumulation types, erosion potential, road density, floodplain width, valley type etc. Using these maps, and the various data search and selection tools in NetMap (see Basic Tools in the Technical Help), a user may quickly be able to classify various parts of the river network into suitable or unsuitable places to establish momitoring sites.