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Temperature and Wildfire

Step Wise Guide
Climate Change Vulnerability
In the context of assessing climate change vulnerability, it is necessary to first identify locations in a watershed or landscape where the largest predicted changes in temperature intersect with existing high wildfire risk. Wildfire risk may increase in these areas in the future.
Step 1: Using the Climate Change Vulnerability Tool, select from the Temperature drop down list and from the Fire/Erosion list. Select the appropriate attributes (reach or aggregated channel values) and search for stressor-stressor intersections, such as where the highest 5% of forecasted increases in temperature intersect with the highest 5% of current wildfire probability or wildfire severity.
Data Background:
The scenarios represent a composite average of ten global climate models (GCM) for the western US using four bracketing scenarios based on four GCMs (ECHAM5, MIROC_3.2, HADGEM1, and PCM1). Predictions are for one greenhouse gas scenario (A1B, a middle of the road scenario for future emissions). Results are in percent change from historical (1916-2006) to forecasts in 2040. Forecasts were obtained from University of Washington Climate Impact Group. For additional background information on how forecasts were made, see here and here.