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Confluence Thermal Refugia

Field name = [TrbThrm]
This attribute represents thermal energy difference that could occur at tributary confluence. Tributary - Current shade thermal energy  MINUS Tributary - Current shade thermal energy; positive values means that tributaries are potentiall providing cooler water while negative values means that tributaries may be contributing warmer water.
It reports the thermal energy difference (watt-hours/m2) between tributaries and mainstems (and scaled by mean annual flow) based on current shade conditions (throughout the hottest day of the year, July 20th. The calculation depends on latitude, solar angle, channel width, channel orientation, topographic shading and vegetative shading. Vegetation information (tree height and basal area) is from LEMMAIf these attributes are not available for your own watershed, please contact us.
Figure shows the differences between the downstream aggregated values of in-stream thermal energy between tributaries and mainstems (e.g., mainstem value - tributary value); positive values means that a tributary has, in aggregate, more inherent landscape and shade cool water conditions compared to a mainstem while negative values means that a tributary has, in aggregate, more intrinsic landscape and shade warmer water conditions compared to a mainstem. Difference values are multiplied by the ratio of the tributary drainage area to mainstem drainage area, providing a proxy index that indicates the potential flow magnitude of either the cooler or warmer water conditions.
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