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In-stream Wood Recruitment, >50 cm

NetMap contains a wood recruitment tool that provides an estimate of mortality only in-stream wood recruitment across an entire watershed. Predictions are based on using a wood budget approach (Benda and Sias 2003) and the model utilizes LEMMA data in the states of Washington, Oregon and California. For additional information refer to:  NetMap's full online Technical Help.
Note, that wood recruitment rates are per year per reach length; reach lengths in NetMap are generally near 100 m, but there may be a few exceptions (longer and shorter); this attribute provides an indication of potential recruitment per year and may not reflect what is found in any reach in any year, since wood in streams accumulate over time or get transported out of the reach by floods.
NetMap tools also contain a model to predict effects of riparian stand thinning on in-stream wood recruitment and also to calculate how many trees to tip into the stream during a thin to mitigate any losses of in-stream wood.
Model outputs in the Portal include: 1) in-stream wood recruitment for diameters 10 - 50 cm and 2) in-stream wood recruitment for diameters 50 - 100 cm. Full NetMap analyses and the tool predicts wood recruitment for four to five size classes (see Figure below)
Field name = [w_g50cm]
In-stream wood recruitment reflects mortality recruitment alone (default rate for live trees = 0.03; default rate for snags = 0.013) for a single year in pieces per reach length over a range of diameter classes. Note, that NetMap stream reaches are close to 100 m in length, although there may be some shorter and longer lengths (<1%).
If these attributes are not available for your own watershed, please contact us.
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