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Most Effective Shade

Field name = [SolDifShd]
This attribute evaluates effects of existing riparian forest condition on thermal loading; it uses estimated basal area and height using data from LEMMA, LiDAR and other sources. It provides a sensitivity analysis of the thermal load changes (with and without vegetation) to determine where the most thermally at risk or sensitive streams are located in a watershed. Conversely, the most effective shade attribute reveals where existing shade is being most effective.
To see where future shade (riparian planting or restoration) would be most effective, see the attribute "New Shade Effectiveness".
Thermal loading (watt-hours/m2) to streams governed by channel width and orientation, topographic shading, vegetation shading, and location and date. See NetMap's full online Technical Help.  If these attributes are not available for your own watershed, please contact us.
(Left) The incoming direct beam radiation is calculated throughout the hottest day of the year (July 20th), attenuated by streamside vegetation (using Beer’s Law), and sums those values for each stream segment. Figure from Boyd and Kasper (2003, 2007). (Right) Thermal loading to the stream (watt-hours/m2) is affected by the solar azimuth, stream azimuth and solar altitude as well as vegetation shading. Figure modified from Boyd and Kasper (2003, 2007.
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