Full NetMap Tools include:
ArcMap 10.x Add-in
2.0 Load Data (load NetMap Virtual Watersheds, either using a map or by name)
3.0 Maps
4.0 Analysis Tools
Define Fish Distribution
Calculate Channel Gradients (any length scale) and Identify Waterfalls
Query Database
Network Attributes
Segment Information
Search for stream name
Field link
Network proportion
Profile Graphs
Longitudinal profiles
Cross Section profiles
Attribute Aggregation
Upstream – Downstream attribute routing
Routing of hillslope (grid) attributes
Routing of buffer attributes
Upstream polygon proportions
Routing of point values
Google Earth
Google Earth zoom
Google Earth export
Data Management
Import data
Custom attributes
Custom selection
Save/Load selection
Trim Network Tool
Risk Analysis
Stream segment overlap (Habitats – multiple stressors intersections)
Subbasin overlap (Habitats – multiple stressors intersections)
Subbasin classification
Sort and rank
Cumulative distributions-polygon
Cumulative distributions - selections
Watershed Delineation
Drainage Wings
Watershed Information - EPA Link to basins
Technical Help
5.0 Fluvial Processes
Flow Calculations
Hydraulic/Planform Geometry
Channel width
Channel depth
Flow velocity
Bed shear stress
Substrate D50/Classes
Channel sinuosity
Network Variables
Channel gradient
Maximum downstream gradient
Drainage area
Mean annual precipitation
Stream order
Stream power
Tributary Confluence environments
Channel Classification
Parameter Nesting
Channel Classes by Selection
Channel Classification-Rosgen
Channel Confinement
Drainage and Junction Density (subbasin scale)
Floodplain/Terrace/Fan Mapping
Mapping Valley Floors (multi-floodplain elevations, terraces, abandoned floodplains, fans)
Landslide – Channel interactions
Define Channel Heads (trim network top down)
Wood Accumulation Types
Closed Depressions
7.0 Aquatic Habitat
Define Fish Distribution
Create Aquatic Habitats
Intrinsic Potential (three anadromous species)
Cutthroat Trout
Bull Trout
Core Habitats (pending)
Habitat Diversity
Upstream - Downstream Habitat
Beaver Habitat
Channel Disturbance Index
Piscicide Tool
Estuary mapping-classification (Puget Sound, WA and planned for southeast/southwest Alaska)
8.0 Riparian Zones/Processes
Get vegetation data
Delineate Riparian Zones (using a combination of floodplains, wood recruitment, wet areas (wetlands) and shade-thermal loading)
Instream Wood Recruitment
Reach scale-project
Watershed scale
Upslope Wood Recruitment (landslides/debris flows)
Shade/Thermal Energy
Thermal Energy Sensitivity
Current Shade-Thermal Energy
Stream-Thermal Refugia
Along Channel-Reach Scale
Along Channel-Tributary Scale
Confluence Zone Refugia
Floodplain/Valley Floor Upwelling
9.0 Erosion
Shallow Landslides (GEP)
Hillslope (grid)
Channel segment
Aggregated downstream
Modified (lithology, land use etc.)
Landslide calibration tool (proposed)
Shallow Landslide Intensity
Hillslope (grid)
Channel segment
Aggregated downstream
Channelized Mass Wasting
Debris flow
Deep Seated Landslide/Earthflow
Hillslope Surface Erosion/Vegetation/Fire
(Pre and Post Fire Analysis)
Sediment Yield
Convert to Sediment Yield
Channel Sedimentation Potential
Sediment Delivery (shallow landslides/debris flows)
10.0 Roads Module
Import Road/pipeline Layer (discretize)
Corridor (Road) Density
Subbasin scale
Stream Segment/Network Scale (upstream – downstream, left-right valley distinction)
Road Drainage Diversion (based on DEM or road drain points, WEPP, GRAIP-lite)
Road (other corridor) Stability
Road (other corridor) in Floodplains
Habitat Upstream of Road (and other corridors)
Road (other corridor) stream crossings - overlap classification; habitat; debris flow; gully
Road Surface Erosion
Road Erosion and Delivery Index (READI)
GRAIP – Lite
Toxic spill upstream tracer (proposed)
11.0 Wildfire/Climate Change
Wildfire Cascade (fuels, fire risk, fire-erosion, roads, habitats)
Climate Change Vulnerability (downscaled climate change forecasts mapped to channels and routed downstream)