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How much does NetMap cost?

NetMap is accessed via annual Support and Maintenance subscriptions (with exceptions, see below)
NetMap annual Support & Maintenance subscription pricing: Individual site (desktop) licenses;
Administrative site licenses involving multiple users and numerous datasets (i.e., USFS National Forests, BLM regional offices, etc.) please contact us.
Public agency/NGO:
Number of Datasets (ave. 2,000 km2, 500,000 acres)
>20 (equivalent  10 million acres, 40,000 km2)
Contact us
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Private Corporate:
Number of Datasets (ave 2,000 km2, 500,000 acres)
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>10 (eq. 5 million acres, 20,000 km2)
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Service Types
Software repairs
Tool updates
New tools
Database repairs
ESRI ArcMap version updates (NetMap)
Support (standard)1
Support (enhanced)2
No Cost or Low Cost Analyses3
Transportation Analysis
Climate Change
Pre Wildfire
Post Wildfire
Erosion Assessment
Riparian Management
1 Email support on tool and digital landscape use, problems (first hour free)
2 Email support on tool and digital landscape use, problems; support on analysis interpretation (first hour free)
3 Some NetMap analyses provided for free (transportation, climate change, pre wildfire, post wildfire, erosion) up to two per year; additional analyses or others require additional charges (refer to analyses below). Contact ESI for additional information. Analyses are delivered within three months of request.
Analysis Type
What’s involved
Run all transportation tools including road density (subbasin, segment, aggregated), road drainage diversion, road stability, road surface erosion, roads in floodplains, habitat length and quality above all road crossings. Developed prioritization ranking
Aquatic Habitat Modeling
Run all of NetMap's habitat tools including for various species of fish, biological hotspots, core areas, and habitat diversity.
Climate Change
Using readily available downscaled Global Climate Change forecasts, overlay onto NetMap’s stream layer and represent them in the stream network. Overlap analysis with roads and aquatic habitat indices
Pre Wildfire
Using available fire risk indices based on fuels, topography and climate, develop erosion forecasts that reflect predicted fire severity and probability. Develop prioritization ranking.
Post Wildfire
Using post wildfire burn severity (BAER) maps (provided to us),  develop erosion forecasts and overlay with roads and aquatic habitat indices. Develop prioritization ranking.
Erosion Assessment
Run all NetMap erosion tools and provide outputs. Develop prioritization ranking.
Riparian Management
Run NetMap’s riparian management tools.
Our Guarantee: With an annual subscription, all of NetMap’s digital landscapes and tools are guaranteed from defects. If the problem originated on our end (using our software), we will replace digital landscapes and repair tools free of charge.
For watersheds draining into the Puget Sound, the current version of NetMap datasets and tools (June 2013, ESRI Arc Map 10/10.1) is free (funded by the EPA), without Support & Maintenance (although problems with the databases and tools will be repaired free of charge). Contact us to access these tools and databases; a small fee will be required for administration.  Like other datasets, Support and Maintenance (Basic or Premium) for Puget Sound data and tools are available via subscription.
Authored with help of Dr.Explain