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Biological Hotspots

NetMap's Watershed Assessment
Watershed Attribute: Biological hotspots: areas within a channel network that contains the combination of attributes that could provide very productive biological conditions and also contribute to habitat diversity. In this attribute in the Packaged Watershed Assessments, attributes include: low channel gradients (1-3%), wide floodplains (>4 x channel width), valley width transitions (confined to unconfined), tributary confluence effects (> 0.7, see Benda et al. 2004), and higher thermal loading (highest 25% in a watershed).
Data Types: Line (in channel).
Field Name: Biohot
Units: 0 - 1
NetMap Level 1 Module/Tool: Aquatic Habitats/ Create Aquatic Habitats
Figure 1. Predicted biological hotspots
Compiled with help of Dr.Explain