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Habitat Above Roads

NetMap's Watershed Assessment
Watershed Attribute: Aquatic (fish) cummulative habitat length above (or below) all road-stream crossings (species specific).
Data Type: line (reach)
Field Name: Upmean; Upstream Mean Value
Field Name: Uplength; Upstream Length
Field Name: Upsum; Upstream Summed Value
Units: Upmean -mean of habitat scores (see individual habitat models); Uplength - sum of length of habitat (km); Upsum - sum of habitat scores (see individual habitat models)
NetMap Module/Tool: Roads
Model Description:
First, output from an appropriate habitat model is required (see Watershed Assessment Package Aquatics/Fish). Once habitat predictions are available, the cumulative habitat length and quality above all road crossings are calculated.
Figure 1. Shown is the display for average habitat quality (steelhead) above all road crossings.
Compiled with help of Dr.Explain